The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) helps the jobless and low-income individuals and families in South Africa through various social grants. Many people rely on SASSA SRD grants as a means of financial support. However, ensuring timely payments is essential to maintain their livelihood via this assistance. But what happens when an unclaimed SASSA grant payment is missed? 

In this article, we’ll look into the consequences of missing a SASSA grant payment and explore the steps that beneficiaries can take to address such situations.

Unclaimed SASSA Grants

Understanding SASSA Grants Expiration

SASSA relief grants are designed to provide financial aid to eligible individuals who meet specific criteria including child support grants, disability grants, and old age grants. Once approved, beneficiaries can rely on these payments to fulfill their needs. 

It’s important to be aware that SASSA SRD grants have an expiration timeframe. If a beneficiary is unable to claim their grant for 3 consecutive months (90 days), the grant itself expires. This means the money will be inaccessible to you for those missed months. SASSA also notifies the beneficiary by letter before the social grant terminates. That’s why it’s important to be aware of this timeframe to avoid any disruption in receiving your financial aid.

The Claiming Methods of SASSA Grants

Understanding the various claiming methods can be helpful. SASSA offers beneficiaries several convenient options that best suit their needs to receive their grants:

  • Post Office: Many beneficiaries collect their SASSA grants from local post offices. This is a widely used option, particularly in places where bank facilities are limited.
  • Bank Branches: Beneficiaries with bank accounts can choose to have their SASSA grants deposited online. This method doesn’t require you to visit a post office and ensures the funds are readily available in your account.
  • Money Transfer Services: SASSA has partnered with certain money transfer services to allow grant collection through these channels. This can be a convenient option for beneficiaries who prefer this method of receiving funds.
Unclaimed SASSA Grants

What If I Don’t Withdraw my SASSA Grants?

If you don’t collect your SASSA grant payments, there can be a few consequences:

1. Grant Expiration

The biggest concern is that SASSA grants expire if left unclaimed for three consecutive months. This means you can lose access to the funds linked to those missed months.

  • Missed First Payment: You miss collecting your SASSA grant payment for one month. No immediate consequences, but be mindful of the expiration timeframe.
  • Missed Second Payment: You miss collecting your grant for a second consecutive month. SASSA might send you a notification reminding you to collect your grant.
  • Missed Third Payment (Expiration): You miss collecting your grant for a third consecutive month. The grant itself expires, and you lose access to those funds.

2. Reapplication Process and Delays

If your SASSA grant expires, you’ll need to go through the entire reapplication process to start receiving payments again. As it is time-consuming, this can lead to delays in receiving your grant. During this waiting period, you’ll be without the financial support the grant provides.

3. Potential Loss of Grant Eligibility

In some cases, missing SASSA grant payments for an extended period might lead to a review of your eligibility for the grant. While not guaranteed, there’s a chance that SASSA might require additional verification or documentation to confirm you still meet the qualifying criteria for the specific grant.

4. Financial Strain

Unfortunately, missing a SASSA grant payment can have significant consequences for beneficiaries. One of the immediate effects is the suspension of SASSA grant payments, leaving recipients without financial support. This can disrupt household budgets, making it challenging to cover essential expenses such as food, rent, and healthcare.

How Can I Restore My Expired SASSA Grants?

You need to act quickly when you get a notification from SASSA about the grant’s expiration. Here’s what you can do:

  • Reapplication: First of all, you’ll need to reapply for the SASSA grants, you missed for the past 3 months. It must be done within 90 days right after the lapsing date. 
  • Collect Regularly: Make sure to collect your SASSA grant payments for 2024 within the designated time frame each month.
  • Choose a Convenient Method: Select a collection method that works best for you, like a post office, bank branch, or partnered money transfer service (e.g., Bidvest Bank, Shoprite Money Market, etc).
  • Stay Informed: Get yourself updated about the notifications from SASSA, such as letters or SMS messages. These might remind you about upcoming payments or expiring grants.

Remember: It’s always best to collect your SASSA grant on time to ensure uninterrupted access to this important financial support.

How to Check Unclaimed SASSA Grants?

The following methods help beneficiaries stay informed and take action to claim SASSA SRD grants. Beneficiaries can check for unclaimed SASSA grants through:

  • Online Portal: Enter your personal details here and review your grant history.
  • SASSA Helpline: Call 0800 60 10 11 for assistance and provide personal details for grant status.
  • Visit a SASSA Office: Find the nearest office and inquire in person about any unclaimed grants.


In summary, SASSA grants play a crucial role in supporting many South Africans. Missing a payment can lead to the grant expiring and require a complete reapplication process. To avoid this disruption, it’s important to collect your grant payments on time and stay informed about any notifications from SASSA. You can ensure you continue to receive this valuable financial support by regularly checking your SASSA status and staying aware of grant payments.

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